Sunday, March 8, 2009

We've finally gotten a taste of spring here in Ohio! While it's been typical of our spring weather (overcast and a little gloomy) it's very welcomed! I haven't been getting much done by way of my stacks of fabric or the things in my knitting queue and unfortunately that's sure to get worse as the weather gets better. I hope everyone is enjoying the taste of spring!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Knitting Update...

My digital camera batteries died so I haven't been able to photograph my recent progress. I have been knitting although not as much as I'd like. Things have been busy the last couple of weeks and I haven't had the energy I usually do.

I completed my fingerless mittens. I received the book "Weekend Knitting" by Melanie Falick ( as a Christmas gift. This is the first project I've completed from it. I knitted half of a mitten before I realized that I should have followed my instincts and knitted a small even though my measurements pointed to a large. I have tiny hands and by the time I got to the thumb hole (roughly halfway done) it was obvious that it was way to big. I frogged it and began knitting a small one. After battling "second sock syndrome" for two weeks I started and finished the second mitten this weekend. They're a little larger around the fingers than I'd like but nothing that keeps me from wearing them. I think I'll wash them in some warm water. I'm thinking that will slightly felt them (the yarn is only about 30% wool) and make them slightly smaller.

I also cast on for my first afghan. This will be a gift for next Christmas. It's a rather ambitious project for me because of its size. 204 stitches in one row! The pattern is an easy repeat though so I'm hoping it won't be as bad as I'm anticipating. I've chosen a soft varigated yarn in blues and browns.

I casted on today for my first garment. I'm making "Boogie" which can be found on It's a sweater vest with a cable up the front and around the neckline. I'm using Cotton Ease in violet for this. I've got about 1 1/2 inches done of the ribbing for the back. I'm hoping this won't be a long project. I haven't done any cables yet so this will be a learning project.

I'll post pics as soon as I can get my camera up and running again.